Stadhouderskade 86
1073 AT Amsterdam

Big Fortune

group show

Een groepstentoonstelling van de tweedejaars deelnemers van De Ateliers


I have money in the bank. I am a magnet for my dreams and goals. Everything I do turns into success. I am present. I am strong. I am achieving my dreams. I have a seat at the table. I have a piece of the pie. Every day, I get closer and closer to my goals. I am the best artist. I attract what I want.

What sense it makes for these two mornings to exist side by side in the world where we live—should this be framed as a question—would not be answerable by philosophy or poetry or finance or the shallows or the deeps of her own mind, she fears.” – Anne Carson, 1=1

We exist in the wake of the entire world. In the exhibition entitled Big Fortune, the artists think against the hubris of individuality as a given, opting rather to be in community all the while thinking of what constitutes fortune. In an attempt to be in conversation in an intimate space like Woonhuis, the second year participants of De Ateliers bring together works and thoughts-in-progress.

With Finn Theuws, Flora Fritz, Greta Eimulytė, Levi van Gelder, Lizzy Deacon, Lorian Gwynn, Ruoru Mou, Sofía Salazar Rosales, Swan Lee, and Tumelo Mtimkhulu.

The exhibition is accompanied by a public programme. A series of three events on various nights in December and January.

12.12.2024: performance by Cameron Lynch b2b Lou Vives
16.01.2025: Big Celebrity Poker Night
25.01.2025: Wedding


The show is open every Thursday-Saturday from 13:00-18:00. Entrance ticket is €3. Tickets are available at the door.


Lage wolken
Lorian Gwynn

Lage wolken, 180 x 225 cm, sand, plastic, paste and oil paint on linen, 2024

  • Openingstijden:
  • donderdag–zaterdag: 13:00–18:00
Stadhouderskade 86
1073 AT Amsterdam